Partner Information
Become a partner and increase your earnings continuously.

We continuously seek individuals and companies interested in partnering with us for global distribution.

If you possess a talent for sales and a technically oriented network, especially connections with traders or IT-savvy individuals, collaborating with us could be highly beneficial for you.

We offer access to our e-commerce platform, and through our partner program, you'll receive a percentage of the monthly revenue generated by your efforts. This applies to both software sales and services, such as paid workshops and premium support, allowing you to earn a commission on sales. Our subscription-based business model provides a recurring income that you can progressively increase, enhancing your earnings with each sale. By working closely with us, you'll quickly grasp our business and achieve high customer satisfaction, growing your "installed base" month by month.

We offer 20% partner commission to you based on monthly service revenue (training and premium support), as well as 20% of our own license profit, that we achieve as a distributor for the licenses.

To make this as easy as possible for you we will give you our Online-Shop completly for free, so that you can use it under your own Affiliate-ID, or to integrate it into your existing website if you like.

This won't cost you a dime. Nothing at all. We want you to enhance our reach, therefore we will takeover all the cost for domain and Online-Shop technology.

Here you can see an Example-Online-Shop:

All revenue that is flowing-in via this Shop will be marked with John Doe's Affiliate-ID. This makes it easy to create a report by the end of a month that summarizes the complete partner-revenue in an easy spreadsheet.

This looks in reality in the backend of our eCommerce platform like this:
Each Order-Number is dedicated to the correct Affiliate-ID.

So you will receive every cent from us that belongs to you and your sales efforts, since we are 100% transparent with you.

But this is only one part of our partner-program.

Moreover, our software offers your clients an automated trading platform. In many cases, you can also provide them with an account from a top-tier broker, combining our trading software with the perfect brokerage account.

Our partner program will guide you on becoming an Introducing Broker (IB), a purely sales-based affiliate partnership with reputable brokers who reward partners for referring new clients.

No regulated license is needed for this role, as you're recommending clients to brokers, not trading on their behalf. The client trades independently using our software.

Many brokers pay their IB partners monthly affiliate commissions based on the client's trading volume.

To give you an idea, brokers typically pay their partners $4 to $8 per lot traded in XAUUSD (Gold), with a hypothetical average of $5 per lot as an example.

If your client trades 50 lots of gold in a month using our software, you'll earn a $250 affiliate commission. For 200 lots, the commission rises to $1,000 from the broker. And that is only one customer.

Imagine scaling this up over 3 to 12 months, building a substantial and nearly limitless income where you don't have to invest in anything. All the products, services, tools and automated processes are already there.

We will fully guide you through the partner process. It is our goal to support you as a partner as good as possible, since this is a very good way for us to scale together with you.

Brokers often pay affiliate commissions on a daily basis, and the entire affiliate process, both with brokers and on our e-commerce platform, is fully automated, ensuring transparent reporting so you're accurately compensated for your sales efforts.

Combining the sale of our Algo-Trading Suite with one or more Introducing Broker partnerships is particularly advantageous. It allows you to provide your clients with both the tools (our software) and the ecosystem (accounts with selected brokers), generating recurring income for yourself from both avenues.

It's beneficial to trade using our software yourself to fully understand the product you're selling, although it's not a prerequisite.

Starting around May 2024, our partners will also have the opportunity to earn commissions from social trading or copy trading through a related entity currently under development.

We hope this information has piqued your interest in a partnership with us. If so, please email us at or use our contact form to get in touch and discuss a partnership agreement.
