Support Environment
Find immediate solutions and help in our support environment.
Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)
Please check if we have already an answer for your question or request here. If not you can continue below and request further support with us by opening a ticket. You should also visit our BLOG, since there will be more information on Software functionality and Trading Strategies.
If the upper FAQs do not deliver an answer to your question(s) you are able to open support tickets with us. Please read the general guidelines therefore.

Each of our customers who buys a subscription receives up to 15 minutes of free support per month, which is included in the subscription price. This is "best-effort-support". So if you are a subscriber of our software you can open a ticket in in the form below and we will give you an appropriate answer as soon as we can.

We will build up a lot of FAQ questions and answers here on this support page over time, so that our customers will have a growing knowledge base to help themselves quickly.

Additional support beyond the above free quarter will be charged as Premium Support. In general, we only provide support if the customer has an active license-key because of a paid subscription or if the customer bought a Premium Support option in our Online-Shop. In this way we support professional traders and clients to build safe and performant trading environments, which are designed to trade our products as professionally as possible.

All support requests must be submitted via our ticket-system. To open a support ticket please fill out the form below the FAQ section.
Please do not forget to enter all your necessary contact data like email and phone number and in any case fill in either your license-key or the genarated shopping cart number when you go for paid premium support, so that we can see that you are a valued paying cusstomer who has the right for professional support from us.

This is the one and only way to request support with us. You can't call someone or send emails to any address since the support runs always through our ticketing-system and the only way to open a ticket is through filling out the lower form. We will not answer any requests sent to any other email addresses in our company.

It might be that we will request further details like e.g. a logfile or a screenshot from you, but if this is necessary we will explain it in detail in our ticket answer to you.

You can create a ticket here. You will then receive a unique ticket number that will remain active for you until a full response is received.

Please create only one ticket for each request and do not send us multiple requests on the same topic/problem.

In general our supportive answer will be delivered via email to you. Therefore please make sure that you hand out a valid email address that you can access and check your spamfilter for emails from us.

Create your support ticket here!
This is the only form that accepts your input.
Upload file Screenshots or Logfiles
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